Prayer and Fasting. With Politics on the Side?

Big news over the weekend: Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced that he’s hosting a Christian prayer rally and day of fasting this summer in Houston.  He claims the event  isn’t political. But if that’s the case, why is the event being hosted by, well, a politician — in particular, a politician with possible presidential aspirations […]

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Fool Me Once, Fool Me Twice

We all had a good chuckle earlier this month with the doomsday that wasn’t, predicted for a third time in his career by radio evangelist Harold Camping. Last Monday night, in his first public comments since his prediction didn’t come true, Camping doubled-down and now says he’s still correct about his prediction, except he was […]

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If You Can’t Join ‘Em, Beat ‘Em?

So that’s what he meant by “equal.” Remember earlier in the Texas Legislative session when state Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, offered a budget amendment that required state colleges and universities that fund campus gender and sexuality centers (which on the University of Texas and Texas A&M campuses serve women and LGBTQA communities) to spend an […]

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