You Give 'em an Inch …

… they’ll give you the axe. Or at least try to. From the start, the CSCOPE hysterics have demanded accountability and transparency from whatever they think CSCOPE is. Well, they’re getting it (there was a public meeting today from which we’ll have a report soon). And they’ve gotten it (there was a public meeting last […]

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State Board of Education Joins Texas House in Slamming the Door on Vouchers

Add the State Board of Education to the list of elected Texas officials who are against private school voucher schemes. By a vote of 10-5, the board earlier today approved a resolution by board member Ruben Cortez, D-Brownsville, calling on state legislators to reject vouchers. On April 4 the Texas House overwhelmingly passed an amendment […]

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UT Science Profs to Legislators: Don't Mess with Science

Update: HB 285 has been pulled from today’s House Higher Education Committee hearing. We will let you know when it comes up for consideration again. ——————————————– Earlier: Texas scientists have gotten wind of Rep. Bill Zedler’s proposed legislation forcing the state’s colleges and universities to validate and support “intelligent design.” And they’re not happy. We’ve […]

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Texas Religious Freedom Law Doesn’t Need Fixing

Last Wednesday, the Texas House Committee on State Affairs took testimony on HJR 110, by state Rep. Jason Isaac, R-Dripping Springs, which would add a modified version of the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to the state constitution. TFN supported passage of Texas RFRA in 1999, and we think it has been working just […]

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