Rep. Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert Questions Barry Lynn on Christianity

If you read this blog, you’re probably the kind of person that, for one reason or another, knows the name Barry Lynn. But in case you don’t, here’s a brief refresher. For starters, it’s the Rev. Barry Lynn. Rev. Lynn is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He’s an accomplished lecturer and […]

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Can This Class Be Saved? In All Aspects of Life, the Bible 'Has Been Good,' Steve Green Says

In an earlier Can This Class Be Saved? post we discussed a speech by Steve Green from April 2013 in which the president of Hobby Lobby discusses his Museum of the Bible public school Bible curriculum that has been approved for a trial run in Mustang, Oklahoma, and what Green’s comments say about his intentions in […]

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Can This Class Be Saved? 'This Nation Is in Danger,' Steve Green Says

Yesterday the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released our latest report, Can This Class Be Saved? Authored by Southern Methodist University religious studies professor Mark Chancey, the report looks at a new public school Bible curriculum created with backing from Hobby Lobby President Steve Green. Green, as you’ll recall, has been in the news a lot lately […]

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Houston ERO Opponent: 'We Can't Let the Devil Do What He Wants'

The vote on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance is scheduled to take place in Houston City Council chambers some time today. The ERO would simply prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on race, gender, religion, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity and a number of other protected characteristics . But from the moment […]

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About Judge John Jones: Standing Up for Science AND Marriage Equality

Guess who’s not getting an invite to the religious right’s Values Voter Summit or to CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference). U.S. District Court Judge John Jones III, that’s who. Earlier today Jones ruled the Pennsylvania same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional and, unlike in some other states, the ruling was not stayed. That means gay and lesbian […]

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