Oh Please, Don, Let Us Roll Our Eyes at You Even Harder

On Thursday Donna Bahorich was appointed the new chair of the Texas State Board of Education. In this Houston Chronicle story on Bahorich’s appointment, a former chair, Don McLeroy, left the following comment: I find it ironic that it its Mr. Ratliff, and the Texas Freedom Network(By the way, thank you for not including them […]

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Thank You, Gov. Pence

Graphic by GLAAD Defeating nearly two dozen discriminatory anti-LGBT bills during the recently concluded session of the Texas Legislature took a lot of hard work from some great groups working outside the Capitol with activists and people like you who care about these things. And it was also the hard work of LGBT-supportive lawmakers working […]

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One Final Indignity

Senate Resolution 1028 (click to enlarge) The Texas Legislature will leave town when the session concludes this Monday. Going into the session, TFN and our allies knew we would be on the defensive on several issues. This was especially true on LGBT rights because of the impending U.S. Supreme Court decision, expected next month, that could […]

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A Busy Sunday at the Legislature

It was a hectic Sunday at the Texas Legislature. Thank you to tall who took action and contacted your reps during the holiday weekend. Here’s what happened on what turned out to be not much of a holiday for legislators. Sanford’s anti-LGBT amendment State Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, did not get an opportunity to offer […]

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URGENT: Anti-LGBT sneak attack expected today in the Texas House

We’re hearing that state Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, is expected to offer a dangerous religious-refusal amendment during the debate on SB 206 in the House later today. The amendment (which is almost identical to HB 3864) would permit discrimination against LGBT children and families in adoption, foster care and child welfare placements. Also, the broad […]

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