Texas Activists to March for Accurate History about Slavery and the Civil War

Treue Der Union monument in Comfort, Texas With the State Board of Education currently debating whether to #TeachTheTruth about the history of slavery, the Confederacy and the Civil War in Texas public schools, a group of activists has launched a new effort to bring attention to the real history of that period. In August the group plans a march commemorating the […]

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The Supreme Court and Anti-Abortion Lies

Religious-righters and other anti-abortion activists are hailing the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of fake women’s health centers that oppose abortion. The court essentially said a California law requiring those organizations to tell women the truth likely violates free speech protections in the First Amendment. Yet Texas is still enforcing a law requiring abortion providers in real health centers to give misleading information to their patients. What about […]

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Warning Signs in the Texas Curriculum Standards Revision

Two big problems got the most attention at last week’s State Board of Education discussion of proposed revisions to social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools: the whitewashing of slavery’s role in causing the Civil War and exaggerations of the influence of religion on the American founding. Unfortunately, we saw warning signs that some state board members still aren’t ready to #TeachTheTruth. […]

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