2014 in Quotes: Public Schools, Textbooks and Moses

Right-wingers spent a lot of time talking about public schools in Texas this year. That’s because the State Board of Education adopted new social studies textbooks for Texas public schools. The new textbooks are based on curriculum standards the board adopted in 2010. Those standards were so controversial that even the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute […]

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2014 in Quotes: LGBT Equality and Semen-Flavored Coffee

As legal recognition for same-sex marriage came to state after state this year (but not Texas, unfortunately), the right exploded in fury — with overheated rhetoric that alternated between ridiculous and nakedly bigoted. Here’s what we heard from the right in 2014 about LGBT equality. Click here to read more quotes from the right in 2014. “My suspicion […]

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2014 in Quotes: The War on Science

It’s time for the Texas Freedom Network’s review of the nonsense we heard from the far right this year. We’ll take up a different subject each day. Today: The right’s war on science — especially on climate science and the teaching of evolution — roared onward in 2014.  Click here to read quotes from the right […]

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