Ted Cruz Shows Trump’s Campaign Doesn’t Have a Monopoly on Hate

As Donald Trump swept most of the Republican presidential primaries on Tuesday, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tried to portray himself as the only real alternative for GOP voters. But Cruz didn’t spend much (if any) time criticizing the Trump campaign for its hateful divisiveness. There’s a reason for that: Cruz’s campaign is infected with the same […]

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New Texas AG’s Office Appointee Rejects Church-State Separation

“I’ll hold up my hundred-dollar bill and say, ‘for the first student who can cite me the provision in the Constitution that guarantees the separation of church and state verbatim, I’ll give this hundred dollar bill. … It’s not there. … The protections of the First Amendment protect us from government, not to cause government to […]

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Using Religion as a Weapon: The Truth Behind the Right’s Cynical Pro-Discrimination Campaign

It’s been clear to observers over the last year that opponents of LGBT equality have cynically shifted their rhetoric from attacking same-sex marriage to promoting “religious liberty” as an excuse to discriminate. Now the website Five Thirty Eight details this shift. […]

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Mary Lou ‘Obama Was a Gay Prostitute’ Bruner — One Step Closer to a Seat on the Texas State Board of Education

Mary Lou Bruner thinks President Obama was a gay prostitute, climate change is a Marxist hoax and evolution is propaganda for atheism. And now Bruner is one step closer to sitting on the board that decides what more than 5 million kids learn in Texas public schools (and strongly influences what textbooks are used in […]

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