TFNEF Launches Ad Campaign Pushing Back Against Political Attacks on State Health Researchers

The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund today is launching a new statewide campaign confronting Texas politicians who have attacked state health researchers for telling the truth about the negative impact their policies are having on women’s health care. This bold new public engagement strategy, Texas: State of Denial, aims to shed light on the war on women […]

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So Was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 a Step Toward Fascism, Sen. Perry?

When it comes to justifying discrimination against LGBT people, politicians are making some rather startling arguments. Here, for example, is what Texas Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock, told a local television news reporter on Tuesday: “In a free market, I choose who I do service with. If I have government stepping in that role and determining who […]

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About That ‘Bathroom Predator’ Myth…

When supporters of anti-LGBT discrimination succeeded in repealing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance with their dishonest and disgraceful “sexual predators in bathrooms” myth, we all knew that the religious right would use the same tactic elsewhere. In fact, North Carolina lawmakers have used it to justify a sweeping new law in their state sanctioning discrimination against LGBT people. But check […]

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