Truth Is Hard for Ideologues

Randy Rives has a new campaign Web site, but he’s got an awful fact-checker. Rives is the former Ector County Independent School District (Odessa) board chair. He’s challenging District 15 State Board of Education incumbent Bob Craig in the March 2 Republican Primary — a race providing the far right’s best chance to win another […]

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Barton’s Contempt for Religious Freedom

So did the nation’s Founders intend the Constitution to treat all Americans equally, regardless of their religion? A court brief recently filed by his Texas-based WallBuilders organization makes it pretty clear that David Barton doesn’t think so. WallBuilders, which opposes separation of church and state, has filed the brief in a federal appeals court that […]

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The UN Is Coming to Get Your Guns!

Friday’s “Republican Party of Texas Update” e-mail puts party Chair Cathie Adams’ bizarre worries on display once again. The Update notes Adams’ activities while attending the Republican National Committee Winter Meeting. Among them: “Chairman Adams sponsored a resolution reaffirming the American right to bear arms, in the face of threats eminating from international bodies like the […]

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Childish Taunts in Governor’s Race

No one should be surprised by taunting in partisan politics. But are there no limits? Today’s e-mail from the right-wing, Midland-based lobby group/PAC Empower Texans notes that Democrats Farouk Shami and Bill White will square off on Monday in a gubernatorial debate. “The comedy factor will be high, if for no other reason than both men […]

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