Censoring the Presidential Jewels (sort of)

The New York Times Magazine cover story on Sunday focused on efforts by far-right members of the Texas State Board of Education to rewrite history in public school social studies textbooks. We found the magazine’s creative cover illustation to be especially ironic. The painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware is perhaps one of the […]

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Voting on Religious Freedom in the GOP

Primary Day on March 2 will provide a good indication of just how much Texas Republicans really respect religious freedom in America. Republican primary voters will be able to register their opinions on five resolutions — a proposed voter identification law, a measure limiting government growth, a call for cuts in federal income taxes, a […]

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Mercer Flunks the Truth Test (Again)

Let’s not beat around the bush. Texas State Board of Education member Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio, has problems with the truth. During yesterday’s debate with his District 5 opponent in the March 2 Republican Primary, Tim Tuggey of Austin, Mercer once again mischaracterized the facts about the social studies curriculum writing teams and how those […]

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NYT: How the Texas Right Hijacks Education

UPDATE: See more about the New York Times Magazine cover image here. The New York Times Magazine has just published online a major piece about the Texas State Board of Education and its role in promoting far-right efforts to hijack public education in America. The article will also appear in the Sunday Times’ print edition. […]

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