Texas Ed Board Candidate Advocates Teaching Creationism in Science Classrooms

One of the Republican candidates for the Texas State Board of Education District 15 seat, Marty Rowley of Amarillo, is offering one of his clearest arguments for teaching “intelligent design”/creationism in science classrooms. Rowley talked to the Amarillo Globe-News for a story about next year’s scheduled adoption of science textbooks by the state board: “Evolutionists […]

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Barbara Cargill: Protecting Texas Students from Planned Parenthood and Muslims!

Barbara Cargill, who chairs the Texas State Board of Education and is running for re-election to her District 8 seat this year, still thinks she is one of a minority of “conservatives” on a state board in which 11 of 15 members are Republicans. And she also wants voters to know that she’s working to […]

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RR Freak Out over Obama Support for Marriage Equality

President Obama’s declaration Wednesday that he supports marriage equality for same-sex couples has religious-righters practically foaming at the mouth. Here are just a few of the comments from right-wing extremists in Texas. Dave Welch of the Houston Area Pastor Council says the president is an enemy of God: “When marriage is everything, marriage is nothing. […]

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Conservative Website Dings Texas Ed Board Candidate on ‘Pilgrims Were Commies’ Nonsense

The conservative website Texas Insider calls Gail Spurlock’s bizarre history lesson about the Pilgrims its “quote of the week” “from Republicans behaving badly.” Spurlock is running in the GOP primary for the Dallas-area District 12 seat on the State Board of Education. From Texas Insider: “If one states the Pilgrims were radicals seeking a communist-socialist […]

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‘This is not a political effort’ (wink, wink)

Here they go again — another effort to drag churches into partisan politics. This fall Vision America, a religious-right group based in Texas, is sponsoring “40 Days to Save America” — which calls on Americans to pray, fast and repent for “our national and and personal sins against the God of Heaven.” Rick Scarborough, Vision […]

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