Faith-Based Presenter Tells High Schoolers: 'Dateable Girls Know How to Shut Up!'

Did students at Richardson High School near Dallas learn today how God expects them to be “dateable”? That appears to have been the purpose of a speaker who visits high schools in Texas and across the country. And a lot of Richardson students appear to have been understandably angered by the presentation. Motivational speaker Justin […]

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Help Us in the Final Push for Sound Science Textbooks in Texas

On Nov. 22, our Stand Up for Science campaign will come to an end. That’s when the Texas State Board of Education will take a final vote on adopting new science textbooks that will be in classrooms for the next decade. Now is the time to take action by telling the members of the state board: “Adopt […]

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National Science Teachers Association Exec Director Weighs in on Texas Textbook Adoption

David Evans, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association, has written an opinion column about the science textbook adoption in Texas this year. You can read the full piece posted on Here’s an excerpt: There are many ways that humans come to know, experience, understand and appreciate the world in which we live. […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “People want to marry a virgin, just like they want a virgin toothbrush or stick of gum.” — From an abstinence-only sex ed program used in the Canyon Independent School District in the Texas Panhandle, comparing non-virgins to used toothbrushes and chewed gum. One upset parent explains: “There is a difference between teaching […]

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It's Been a Bad Week for the Religious Right, Even in Texas

Religious-right activists can’t be a happy lot today. The week started with the U.S. Senate voting Monday to short-circuit attempts to filibuster the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), which would protect LGBT people from job discrimination. A Senate vote to pass ENDA is expected this week. Rick Scarborough of Texas-based Vision America denounced the Senate’s vote […]

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