Lawsuit Alleges San Antonio Religious-Right Leader Treated Young Follower Like a ‘Personal Sex Object’

In November we told you that Doug Phillips had acknowledged engaging in an extramarital affair and stepped down from his position as head of a San Antonio-based religious-right organization called Vision Forum. Now a lawsuit alleges that Phillips engaged in ““inappropriate, unwanted, and immoral sexual acts” with a girl he had groomed as a “personal sex […]

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‘Disproving Popular Darwinist Myths’

Still not convinced that evolution is a fraud?  A press release yesterday from San Antonio-based Vision Forum Ministries promotes “12 new half-hour episodes that disprove popular Darwinist myths in a family radio drama format.” Vision Forum’s president, Doug Phillips, says the the latest episodes of the Jonathan Park Creation Adventure Series show “the intellectual and […]

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Sunday’s murder of George Tiller, a doctor who performed abortions in Kansas, has brought condemnation from many, including some anti-abortion groups and activists. But not all the “condemnations” have been particularly convincing. Doug Phillips of San Antonio-based Vision Forum Ministries, released a statement: “Tiller the Killer” is dead. Who will mourn for this man? . . […]

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