The Week in Quotes (May 22 – 28)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Texas State Board of Education candidate Keven Ellis, responding to his rival Mary Lou Bruner’s charge that he’s a supporter of Agenda 21 and Common Core.

No code words. On my website, we talk about a 21st-century education, because we are in the 21st century.

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TFN communications director Dan Quinn, on Texas State Board of Education candidate Mary Lou Bruner.

If she wins it would be embarrassing for the state of Texas because it would again make us look like an educational backwater.

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TFN President Kathy Miller, on Mary Lou Bruner’s defeat in Tuesday’s Texas State Board of Education runoff election.

Texas escaped an education train wreck tonight.

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TFN President Kathy Miller, on Wednesday’s announcement by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s guidance on transgender students.

There have been more criminal charges filed against Paxton than there have been cases — zero, in fact — of transgender people using non-discrimination policies as an excuse to enter public restrooms to commit assaults

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Louie Gohmert’s bizarre rant about space colonies as an argument against LGBT equality.

You’re wanting to save humankind for posterity, basically a modern-day Noah, you have that ability to be a modern day Noah, you can preserve life. How many same-sex couples would you take from the animal kingdom and from humans to put on a spacecraft to perpetuate humanity and the wildlife kingdom?

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