The Week in Quotes (May 15 – 21)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly interviewing Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, rejecting his arguments against trasngender protections.

No, I don’t think I’m missing anything.

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An excerpt from the 2016 Texas Republican party platform.

We support the elimination of public funding or the use of public facilities to advocate, perform, or support elective abortions, embryonic stem cell research, research on fetal tissue, or human cloning.

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Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, in a recent radio interview.

I think that’s why God allows bad things to happen. I think that’s why he would allow 9/11 to happen, or the dreadful attack in San Bernardino, or some of these other places, to show us that we need him.

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Dr. Willie Parker, an abortion provider in Alabama and Mississippi, recounting an experience with an Esquire reporter that highlights the many intersecting issues around reproductive health care.

I told him, because he had never been to the South before, ‘When we walk out this door, just so you know, if they’re gonna shoot somebody, it’s probably going to be you and not me.’ He found a chuckle in that, but he really began to think about what it meant that people who are extreme on this issue also have issues around race and class.

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A plank in the 2016 Texas Republican Party platform adopted last week. The grammatical errors have sparked a debate that the plank can be read as supporting homosexuality, despite the party’s ardent and unwavering policy opposition.

Homosexuality is a chosen behavior that is contrary to the fundamental unchanging truths that has been ordained by God in the Bible, recognized by our nations founders, and shared by the majority of Texans.

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