The Week in Quotes (March 20 – 26)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

TFN president Kathy Miller in an op-ed about the appointment of Jeff Mateer to first assistant attorney general.

One is tempted to see Mateer’s appointment as an attempt by Attorney General Paxton, who has been indicted on criminal charges of securities fraud, to shore up his support among social conservatives. In fact, it is just the latest effort by the attorney general to use religion as a weapon to divide Texans in promotion of a reckless political agenda.

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Glenn Beck, in remarks on his radio show, highlighting one of several achievements he attributes to the U.S. Constitution.

For 5,000 years, we had a fireplace, we had a fire pit. The Constitution comes, all of a sudden we have microwave ovens! Nobody thought of that?

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Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who is now echoing opponent Donald Trump’s rhetoric singling out Muslims in America, entirely because of their religious faith, for suspicion and special police action.

We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.

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State Sen. Bob Hall, in a January email update to constituents.

The goals of a Common Core education focuses on values clarification and indoctrination into a liberal mindset that includes the sexualization of students through sex education and the normalization of inappropriate sexual literature.

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State Board of Education candidate Mary Lou Bruner, in an interview with KERA Dallas, further explaining her previous claims that President Obama was formerly a prostitute.

If he’s on drugs, then how did he pay for them? There’s two ways that people on welfare pay for drugs — they prostitute themselves or they steal.

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