The Week in Quotes (May 19 – 25)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Pascal Tessier, an openly gay 16-year-old Boy Scout from Maryland.

I was thinking that today could be my last day as a Boy Scout. Obviously, for gay Scouts like me, this vote is life-changing.

John Stembeger, a conservative activist and former Scout from Florida.

What kind of a message are we sending to young people about being brave when its top adult leaders don’t even have the courage to stand up to the pressure of a militant lobby when the bullies in Washington D.C., Hollywood or even some of their own renegade councils start pressuring and harassing them?

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U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, claiming the trial and verdict of Kermit Gosnell only highlights the Democrats’ view on abortion.

Democrats do not want abortion to be safe or rare. Democrats oppose even the most basic of health and safety standards for abortion mills. Democrats don’t care how many women are maimed, infected with diseases or die on the routinely-filthy abortion mills. Democrats worship abortion with same fervor the Canaanites worshipped Molech.

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Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, again denying climate science simply because it snowed in Alaska in May.

Global warming my gluteus maximus.

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TFN President Kathy Miller, in response to news that the Education Service Centers will no longer provide lessons in their CSCOPE curriculum management system.

Today political bullying resulted in hundreds of school districts getting thrown under the bus and essentially told to figure out for themselves where to find the resources to replace the service CSCOPE had provided them. The big lesson here is that if you can generate a witch hunt that includes enough incendiary and distorted claims, then there are politicians at the Capitol who are ready to throw their supposed commitment to local control out the window.

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One tweet sent by Daniel Greer, founder of Texas conservative blog AgendaWise, attacking legislators and others with anti-gay slurs on one of his fake Twitter accounts.

Gays get a baby when they have sex. Nope, aids. #natural-law #txlege

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