The Week in Quotes (Feb. 21 – 27)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Houston’s Texas Southern University, blasting the state for its voter ID laws.

Here in Texas and in state after state, [Republicans are] doing everything they can to stop black people, Latinos, poor people, young people and people with disabilities from voting. It is a blast from the Jim Crow past.

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Rafael Cruz, explaining on a radio show at the end of last year that his son, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, decided to run for president after God spoke to the senator’s wife.

We were on our knees for two hours seeking God’s will. At the end of that time, a word came through his wife, Heidi. And the word came, just saying, ‘Seek God’s face, not God’s hand.’ And I’ll tell you, it was as if there was a cloud of the holy spirit filling that place. Some of us were weeping, and Ted just looked up and said, ‘Lord, here am I, use me. I surrender to you, whatever you want.’ And he felt that was a green light to move forward.

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Phyllis Schflaly, founder of the right-wing Eagle Forum, still making specious arguments against marriage equality.

Marriage has been and always should be about creating a stable environment in which to raise children and instill them with values and character. Homosexual marriage will never provide this environment.

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TFN president Kathy Miller on the appropriation of “religious liberty” by politicians who may actually open the door to religious discrimination.

Let’s be clear about what is at stake here. In America we all have the right to equal treatment under the law, regardless of who we are or what we believe. But cynical politicians are undermining this basic constitutional principle by twisting the meaning of another — religious liberty.

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TFN communications director Dan Quinn, remarking on agriculture commissioner Sid Miller’s new employee program, “Faith at Work,” a weekly lunch meeting led by his friend and chaplain, Michael Tummillo.

Religious freedom means freedom for everyone, not just the politicians who head the agency.

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