The Week in Quotes (Dec. 4 – 10)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, stoking the culture wars with a new TV ad railing against policies that allow gays to serve openly in the military but keep overt religious displays out of public schools.

I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a Christian. But you don’t need to be in the pews every Sunday to know that there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.

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Carin Bondar, one of the scientists interviewed in a video about why evolution needs to be taught in public schools.

Teaching science without evolution is like teaching sentence structure without the alphabet.

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Republican presidential contender and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, expressing a lack of interest in a Donald Trump endorsement.

I’m not going to kiss his ring and I’m not going to kiss any other part of his anatomy. This is exactly what is wrong with politics. It’s show business over substance.

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Texas Gov. Rick Perry, criticizing a new Obama administration policy to defend the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who are imprisoned, brutalized and murdered in some countries.

Promoting special rights for gays in foreign countries is not in America’s interests and not worth a dime of taxpayers’ money.

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Texas Gov. Rick Perry, campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination in New Hampshire last August, making a claim that is a contender for Politifact’s “Lie of the Year.”

I do believe that the issue of global warming has been politicized. I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects. I think we’re seeing it almost weekly or even daily, scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change.

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From a greeting card from Gov. Rick Perry in 2003, apparently before the governor concluded that failing to wish recipients “Merry Christmas” specifically was part of the “war on Christmas.”

The First Family Wishes You Happy Holidays

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Dec. 4 – 10)

  1. If Perry gets anywhere look out. I don’t think government is for the select few. As I recall government is for the people, by the people. I don’t recall any where that it says not for gays, lesbians, etc. or any other minority.

  2. I thought about getting bumper stickers printed up that read ‘GINGRICH/PERRY 2012″ to complement my DAN QUAYLE/CLAYTON WILLIAMS ’92” bumper stickers. Both would be great collectors items and gag gifts. However, the more I observe the GOP and the Goebbels tactics from right arm, Fox News, the more I think these two could be running mates. What’s really scary is the number of Americans who would support them as GOP hopefuls (hopeless!)

    Personally, I do not look good in brown shirts, nor do I care to learn a different salute. I don’t think that books make good bon fires, after new books have been printed to introduce “true history and politics” . I personally don’t agree with appropriating money to reopen abandoned U.S. military installations for “Reeducation Centers” to rid this country of its undesirables.

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