Texas Charter School Operator Defends Misleading Its Students with Junk Science, Political Propaganda

The CEO of Texas-based Responsive Education Solutions has responded to an in-depth article in Slate detailing how the charter operator’s public schools teach junk science and political propaganda as factual. Frankly, the CEO’s response is just as troubling as the original allegations about the schools’ troubling curriculum. Responsive Ed’s CEO Chuck Cook wrote an extensive […]

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Houston Mayor Gets Married, Religious-righters Foam at the Mouth

When we saw the news about Houston Mayor Annise Parker (right) marrying her longtime partner, Kathy Hubbard (left), in California on Thursday, we braced for the avalanche of vitriol from angry right-wingers. We didn’t have to wait long. This morning Dave Welch of the Houston Area Pastor Council (HAPC) launched a vicious personal attack on […]

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TFN Calls for Investigation of Texas Charter School Operator Amid Allegations of Politicized Curriculum Materials

Ideologues trying to politicize our children’s classrooms aren’t just focused on traditional public schools. A report published today alleges that one of the largest charter school operators in Texas is using curriculum materials to indoctrinate students with anti-science and right-wing propaganda. We just sent out this press release: The president of the Texas Freedom Network […]

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Don't Let Right-Wing Activists Rewrite American History

Publishers will submit textbooks in April for all socials studies and history courses from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Grades K-5 Social Studies Middle School Courses World Cultures and Geography Texas History U.S. History to 1877 High School Courses World Geography World History Sociology U.S. History since 1877 U.S. Government Economics Psychology We want to remind […]

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