2014 In Quotes: Potluck Nuttery II

On the first day of 2015, let’s check one last round of nonsense we heard from the right in 2014. Click here to read more quotes from the right in 2014. “We are not going to do anything to distance ourselves from Ted Nugent. If we had concerns about some of the things that Mr. Nugent has […]

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2014 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery I

Some of the crazy things we heard from the right this year defy categorization. So let’s just call these examples “potluck nuttery.” Click here to read more quotes from the right in 2014. “The best gun lubricant around.” — U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, saying he uses “liberal tears” to lubricate his gun. Stockman is […]

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2014 in Quotes: Immigration and Anti-Muslim Hysteria

You wanna hear paranoia at work? Ask a right-winger about immigration or Muslims. Here’s more of what we heard from the right this year. Click here to read more quotes from 2014. “[These Central American] kids have scabies and influenza, viral pneumonia, leprosy. These kids are going to be part of the school system … They […]

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2014 in Quotes: Anti-Obama Derangement Syndrome

The right always finds something to complain about when it comes to President Obama — even if it means making stuff up. Here’s more of what we heard in 2014. Click here to read more quotes from the right in 2014. “Before ObamaCare, there had never been a case of Ebola in the U.S.” – A tweet from […]

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2014 in Quotes: Public Schools, Textbooks and Moses

Right-wingers spent a lot of time talking about public schools in Texas this year. That’s because the State Board of Education adopted new social studies textbooks for Texas public schools. The new textbooks are based on curriculum standards the board adopted in 2010. Those standards were so controversial that even the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute […]

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