State Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, is sticking to her guns and not apologizing for anti-Muslim comments she made on Facebook a week ago. So maybe it’s time to put a final period on this whole thing. For now. Maybe. We know White is not apologizing because she’s pretty much said so in several attempts to […]
Creationist Group Wants a Tax Break to Discriminate
How far will religious-righters go to use faith as a weapon to harm others? Pretty far — including demanding government help to do it. Answers in Genesis, a militantly anti-evolution ministry, is suing the state of Kentucky for the right of its proposed creation theme park to discriminate on the basis of religion even while getting $18 million in […]
Battle over Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance: Truth vs. Lies
The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), as the short video above shows, isn’t hard to understand. But the rhetoric from religious-righters is increasingly vitriolic and deceitful in the reckless campaign to repeal HERO. Religious-right activists are even claiming that Mayor Annise Parker, who supports the ordinance, is calling people who have organized to oppose the ordinance “criminals.” When the City […]
While We Wait …
On Facebook Sunday afternoon, state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, wrote that some time today she would publish a “response to the controversy that occurred” when she offered comments about Muslims in an earlier Facebook post. While we wait for her to do that, here’s Rep. White struggling to explain her comments in an interview with […]
Their Opinion of Women Appears to Be as Backward as Their Views of Gay People
What a hateful crew they seem to have over at the right-wing Texas organization/blog AgendaWise Reports. We already knew what they think about gay people. Now we see that their views about women are just as backward and offensive. Two years ago, Daniel Greer had to step down (temporarily) from his post at AgendaWise after various media outlets reported about […]