Texas Ed Board Chair Ignores a Key Problem in Discussion about Textbooks

Donna Bahorich, chair of the State Board of Education, is missing a key problem in defending how new history textbooks in Texas public schools cover the experience of African Americans after the Civil War. By focusing just on the textbooks, she ignores how politicized curriculum standards adopted by the state board distort the teaching of history in Texas public schools. […]

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Bruner Explains ‘President Obama Was a Gay Prostitute’ Remarks

Dallas-area radio station KERA has landed a new interview with controversial Texas State Board of Education candidate Mary Lou Bruner, in which she explains her accusation that President Obama paid for a drug habit by working as a gay prostitute. Here comes the “logic”: In one Facebook post, she said Obama once prostituted himself. It’s […]

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Texas Eagle Forum’s Cathie Adams: Schlafly Was Manipulated into Endorsing Trump

Yes, by most accounts Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House has been a terrible thing for the country and for our politics. And it’s turning out to be a terrible thing for the relationship between the far-right Texas Eagle Forum and the group’s national founder, conservative icon and activist Phyllis Schlafly. And it’s all because […]

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Cruz Tries to Out-Trump Donald Trump

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, in full desperation, has apparently decided that the only way to catch Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary race is to out-Trump Trump or to at least match him blow by extremist blow. Early this morning, terrorists struck a train station and an airport terminal in Brussels, Belgium, killing dozens […]

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Texas Sen. Bob Hall’s Unhinged, Anti-Common Core Rant: Sex, Race, and the Bible

TFN neither supports nor opposes Common Core, standards that states across the country came together to develop and implement in their public schools. But we’re fascinated by the almost unhinged rants from right-wing activists and politicians who hate those standards for English/language arts and mathematics. Take, for example, what East Texas state Sen. Bob Hall, R-Edgewood, says about Common Core. […]

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