Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller today is calling on the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office to investigate whether State Board of Education (SBOE) member David Bradley, R-Beaumont, has improperly withheld board-related emails subject to requests under the Texas open records law. […]
Abbott, Patrick, Paxton Join Hate Campaign Against Same-Sex Married Couples in Texas
The highest Republican elected officials in Texas have now officially joined the appalling campaign to use state and local governments to discriminate against legally married same-sex couples. Let’s be clear: this is nothing more than a shameful effort to validate the hatred of religious-righters for LGBT Texans and their families. […]
Voucher Schemers Show Their Contempt for Public Schools
Opponents of private school vouchers delivered a strong message to Texas House Public Education Committee members at a public hearing on Monday: stop trying to use tax dollars to subsidize private and religious schools at the expense of our neighborhood public schools. […]
Dallas Religious-Right Leader, Prominent Trump Supporter Says Right to Privacy Is Imaginary, Invented
Robert Jeffress, the far-right pastor of a Dallas megachurch and a prominent religious-right supporter of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, is arguing that the Constitution doesn’t protect a right to privacy for Americans. In one of his “Daily Devotion” emails sent to followers last week, Jeffress attacks Supreme Court justices for supposedly “inventing” that right: […]
Former Texas GOP Chair Joins the Right’s Worship of Putin’s Russia
What is it with the American right’s love affair with Vladimir Putin’s Russia these days? Tom Pauken, who served as chair of the Texas Republican Party in the 1990s and currently supports Donald Trump for president, tweeted this morning that Russia is “returning to its Christian roots” while the United States is “going in the opposite direction.” […]