Legislating Creationism in Science Classrooms?

As we prepare for the 2013 session of the Texas Legislature — a session that could be one of the most difficult ever for supporters of public schools — it appears that creationists are redoubling their efforts to promote creationism in our nation’s science classrooms. This month a Montana legislator officially requested the drafting of […]

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David Barton Repeats Zombie Lie about President Obama and Thanksgiving

David Barton, the right-wing propagandist and phony historian from Texas, is repeating the same lie (told by him and others many times already) about President Obama supposedly ignoring God at Thanksgiving. Here is a Twitter post from Barton today: “4th Straight Year: Obama Thanksgiving Resolution Doesn’t Thank God” Barton, a former vice chairman of the […]

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Michael Quinn Sullivan Jumps on the ‘Pilgrims Were Commies!’ Bandwagon

Michael Quinn Sullivan, head of the anti-government group Empower Texans/Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, has something in common with failed State Board of Education candidate Gail Spurlock: they both see American history through the cracked lens of ideology. During her campaign for the state board this year, Spurlock claimed that the Pilgrims nearly did themselves in […]

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Signs of Hope at the Texas State Board of Education

Thursday’s meeting of the State Board of Education‘s Committee on Instruction was, well, instructive. It also offered hope that elections in 2010 and this year might — just might — be moderating the board’s obsession with the “culture wars.” We told you on Tuesday that religious-righters were planning to use the committee meeting to attack […]

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More Nonsense from Abstinence-Only Fanatics: ‘Drug-Based Sex Ed’

Abstinence-only activists are increasingly concerned that more and more school districts in Texas are moving to sex education policies that include medically accurate information on condoms and other forms of contraception and STD prevention. Their latest worry: Round Rock Independent School District just north of Austin. The lawyer/lobbyist for Free Market Foundation Liberty Institute Texas […]

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