Fort Worth Star-Telegram columnist Bud Kennedy has an interesting Twitter post: “Ex-SBOE Chair @DonMcLeroy likes @TFN’s report on preachy Bible lessons: “I agree. That shouldn’t be in public schools.” Well, good for Don. Maybe he can help persuade fellow creationists who sit on the state board now that they should adopt real curriculum standards that […]
David Barton: Hey, I Was Just 'Passing on Information'!
David Barton must be getting some heat after comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in a Twitter post yesterday. In fact, he made the same comparison in a post on his David Barton/WallBuilders Facebook page: “The men who support your right to bear arms: Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton- Those who do not: […]
David Barton Compares President Obama to Hitler, Stalin, Castro
David Barton — the far right’s favorite phony “historian,” a former Texas Republican Party vice chairman, and the head of the right-wing Texas-based group WallBuilders — is so classless and has such contempt for American voters that he’s comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro. “The men who support your right […]
Texas Public School Bible Courses: Preparing Students for the End Times
Public school Bible courses in Texas often promote particular religious beliefs as widely (or even universally) accepted. So it shouldn’t be surprising how a number of such courses feature a significant preoccupation with eschatology, the theology of the “end times.” From the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund’s new report, Reading, Writing & Religion II: Texas […]
Epic Fail for Voucher ‘Expert’ in Texas School Finance Lawsuit
On Tuesday the lawsuit trial in Austin over how Texas finances its public schools featured one of the national leaders of the private school voucher movement. Testimony from Joseph Bast, the president and CEO of the pro-voucher Heartland Institute, should be instructive for Texas legislators preparing for battle over vouchers in the current session. That’s […]