Students in some Texas public school Bible courses learn that the Founding Fathers were largely orthodox Protestant Christians who intended for the United States to be a distinctively Christian nation with laws and a form of government based on the Bible. Countless historians and other scholars have shown how such claims are distortions, but those […]
TV Premiere of 'The Revisioniares' Tonight and Tuesday on PBS
Starting tonight, everyone gets a chance to watch the award-winning documentary “The Revisionaries,” a film by director Scott Thurman that tells the story of the religious right’s culture warriors at the Texas State Board of Education and the Texas Freedom Network’s efforts to stop their efforts to undermine instruction on evolution and politicize social studies […]
The Religious Right, Guns and White Supremacists
We have pointed out numerous times that the religious right is, fundamentally, a political movement that uses faith as a weapon to divide and conquer. That’s why you see religious-right groups like the Family Research Council and the American Family Association line up behind Republican politicians on issues ranging from taxes to business and environmental […]
Texas Public School Bible Courses: ‘The Bible Is Inspired by God’
The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund’s newest study of Texas public school Bible courses reveals that many of these classes promote faith beliefs as fact. Such courses clearly veer from the academic to the devotional, violating both Texas law and the U.S. Constitution. The report, Reading, Writing & Religion II: Texas Public School Bible Courses in 2011-12 […]
The Week in Quotes (Jan. 20 – 26)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]