Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
The 'Death Panel' Lie That Won't Die
The folks at Family Research Council — who helped organize Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s August 2011 prayer extravaganza in Houston — apparently think lying is a perfectly acceptable part of the “Christian worldview” it seeks to promote in public policy. In an email today, the FRC asks its supporters to help stop implementation of the […]
Religious-Right Groups Launch Campaign to Pressure Boy Scouts to Keep Gay Ban
UPDATE Late Thursday the haters at the right-wing Texas Pastor Council sent out an email promoting a “Save Our Scouts” rally on Wednesday at the Boy Scouts of America national headquarters in Irving (near Dallas). The message promotes the smear that gay people are inherent threats to children and churches: Pastors, if the scouts fall, […]
Mixed Signals from the Texas State Board of Education
We saw signs at today’s State Board of Education meeting that the pendulum might finally be swinging back toward the center on the body that decides what 5 million students learn in Texas public schools. If borne out in coming months, those signs are encouraging for the adoption of science and social studies textbooks over […]
The Day Ahead: New SBOE Sworn In
UPDATE – 4:45 p.m. In something of a surprise, state board members revised their operating rules to require that amendments to proposed curriculum standards be filed by 5 p.m. the day before final adoption of the standards. Similar proposals failed twice over the past two years. We’ll have an update on the significance of this […]