What They Really Think

From a religious-right group’s email to activists today: “Rick Santorum is from God and will win with Christians and Catholics uniting for Santorum.” “Christians and Catholics”? As if Catholics aren’t Christians? Of course, it’s bad enough that religious-righters try to deify their favored political candidates (like Santorum). But the suggestion that Catholics are something other […]

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TX SBOE District 15 Candidates Talk Sex Ed

Someone needs to educate Marty Rowley about sex education. Speaking on Tuesday at a candidate forum with Republican primary opponent Anette Carlisle, the Texas State Board of Education District 15 candidate explained why he supports an abstinence-only policy on sex education: “I believe if we pass out condoms at schools we’re saying, ‘Yeah, we’re teaching […]

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David Bradley Goes Courting

Like Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst this month and Gov. Rick Perry for years, David Bradley is courting conservative evangelical pastors in his bid for re-election to office. Bradley, R-Beaumont Buna, will speak on March 27 at a luncheon for the Beaumont Area Pastor Council, which is affiliated with the right-wing Houston Area Pastor Council. From […]

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Dewhurst to ‘Brief’ Pastors on Voter ID Law

We told you earlier this month that Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst seems to be taking a page out of Rick Perry’s political handbook in his quest for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate this year. The lieutenant governor is scheduled to speak on Friday at a “private briefing” for pastors in Houston. Over […]

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TFN Launches SBOE Elections Online HQ

Ignorance isn’t a Texas value, but you wouldn’t know that by looking at the State Board of Education. The state board approves textbooks and curriculum standards for Texas public schools. That’s a lot of power. But for years now, right-wing ideologues on the board have censored American history, rejected established science and ignored the recommendations […]

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