Caving to the Demands of Religious Extremists

Their failure to dictate which candidate will be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee this year doesn’t mean that religious-right leaders and activists aren’t shaping this year’s campaign. Just this week, for example, intense pressure from religious-right groups essentially forced openly gay political strategist Richard Grenell to resign from Mitt Romney’s campaign staff. A Republican adviser […]

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Texas Ed Board Candidate Doubles Down on ‘Pilgrims Were Communists’ Claim

Gail Spurlock, a Republican candidate for the District 12 seat on the Texas State Board of Education, has written a “clarification” of her contention that the Pilgrims nearly destroyed their colony and themselves because they practiced communism. In an email being circulated today by supporter Donna “Jeffrey Dahmer Believed in Evolution” Garner, Spurlock suggests that […]

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Handful of Contests See the Most Money in Texas State Board of Education Races

In the 1990s, San Antonio businessman James Leininger — the religious right’s sugar daddy in Texas — poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into State Board of Education (SBOE) races. That money helped hard-right social conservatives build a multi-year campaign to take control of the board — and turned subsequent board debates over textbooks and […]

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TFN’s Kathy Miller Talks about New Documentary on the Texas SBOE

Austin’s KVUE-TV has a story this evening about “The Revisionaries,” the new documentary focusing on the Texas State Board of Education that premiered this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller talked to KVUE about how the state board has put politics and personal agendas ahead of […]

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