Pflugerville Pastor Tells Congregants How God Wants Them to Vote in School Board Race

Who is behind efforts to toss out of office two Pflugerville Independent School District board members who support giving the domestic partners of district employees access to health insurance? Pflugerville is located in Travis County, and the school district includes parts of north Austin. Various religious-right groups and activists have criticized Pflugerville school board members […]

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TFN Endorses in School Board Election That Has Become a Referendum on Equality

The Texas Freedom Network has long insisted that educators should play an important role in making decisions concerning public schools. So it should be no surprise that today TFN is endorsing two candidates for the Pflugerville Independent School District Board of Trustees — Carol Fletcher and Mario Acosta — who together have 60 years of […]

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The Voices in Dan Flynn's Head

Dan Flynn, R-Van State Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, is of two (or three) minds when it comes to the role religion should play in American law and society.  Warning: Do not try to reconcile these statements, all of which were made over the last five months. Flynn, on the urgent need to post the 10 commandments […]

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Texas Congressman Peddles Obama Falsehood in CSCOPE Witch Hunt

Congressman Steve Stockman of Friendswood (near Houston) is wading into the bizarre political witch hunt over the CSCOPE curriculum management system targeted by far-right activists in recent months. And — no surprise — the Republican tea partyer is peddling the right-wing conspiracy myth that President Obama is trying to take over Texas schools. Stockman’s campaign […]

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