The War on Women: Dewhurst's Cynical Attempts at Damage Control

Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst is in full damage-contol mode following last Tuesday’s debacle (for him, especially) in the Senate chamber. Today he sent out an email insisting that he will push through, in the special session that starts Monday, passage of the same legislation that failed last week — legislation that would have government […]

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Was Tuesday Night a Turning Point in Texas?

As expected, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has announced that state lawmakers will be back in Austin for a second legislative special session starting July 1. Lawmakers will again take up critical transportation and criminal justice bills that they failed to pass in the first special session because the governor and far-right legislators were more interested […]

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Oppose SB5? You're a Terrorist, Says Rep. Zedler

As we write this there is mass confusion surrounding the fate of Senate Bill 5, the restrictive anti-choice measure the far right was pushing at the Texas Legislature and that state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Ft. Worth, was trying to stop with a 13-hour filibuster that made nationwide headlines. But what we are certain about right […]

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