Texas SBOE's CSCOPE Review Is Already Raising Red Flags

The anti-CSCOPE witch hunt marches onward, now with the “official/unofficial” help of the Texas State Board of Education. Unless responsible parties act soon, the state board’s “review” could turn into yet another embarrassing political circus for Texas. We just sent out the following press release. The president of the Texas Freedom Network warns that the […]

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UT Science Profs to Legislators: Don't Mess with Science

Update: HB 285 has been pulled from today’s House Higher Education Committee hearing. We will let you know when it comes up for consideration again. ——————————————– Earlier: Texas scientists have gotten wind of Rep. Bill Zedler’s proposed legislation forcing the state’s colleges and universities to validate and support “intelligent design.” And they’re not happy. We’ve […]

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Creationists Target Texas Colleges and Universities Again

Once again creationists are trying to undermine science education in Texas. On Wednesday the Texas House Higher Education Committee will consider legislation that would bar the state’s colleges and universities from discriminating against or penalizing “in any manner” faculty members or students who engage in research on “intelligent design” — the name creationists have given […]

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More on Those CSCOPE Lessons

Educator Ed Darrell has been digging into the far right’s anti-CSCOPE witch hunt on his illuminating and wonderfully named blog, Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub. He has some good information on the lessons right-wingers have been distorting in their absurd attempts to smear the folks behind that curriculum management system, which is used in hundreds of Texas […]

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