Ted Cruz’s Father Ties Public Education to Communism

Rafael Cruz, the fringe religious-righter and father of Texas senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, is claiming (inaccurately, of course) that our nation’s public education system was founded by “a member of the American Communist Party.” Here’s an excerpt from a report by our friends at Right Wing Watch: The elder Cruz alleged in an interview on the Sirius XM program […]

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The Moral Cowardice of Ted Cruz

Many Americans — including some leading Republicans — have rightly denounced Donald Trump for declaring that all Muslims should be banned from entry to the United States. Trump’s declaration betrays the values of our nation and our Constitution and is simply designed to cultivate fear and prejudice among voters. But that doesn’t seem to bother Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Sen. Cruz clearly hopes to win […]

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Sen. Cruz Shades the Truth about Anti-Contraception Fanatics

“Now listen, I have been a conservative my entire life. I have never met anybody, any conservative who wants to ban contraceptives.” That’s Texas Sen. Ted Cruz again, complaining about people who point out Republicans and other conservatives who want to make it harder for women to get access to birth control. But Sen. Cruz either doesn’t […]

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Ted Cruz’s History with Anti-Abortion Extremists

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has insisted that the vile rhetoric of anti-abortion extremists played no role in the mass shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado. In fact, speaking at an event for his presidential campaign on Sunday in Iowa, Cruz bizarrely characterized the alleged gunman as a “transgendered leftist activist.” But it’s important to know that Cruz has closely […]

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He Just Doesn’t Get It

“Last I checked we don’t have a rubber shortage in America. When I was in college we had a machine in the bathroom, you put .50 cents in and voila! So yes, anyone who wants contraceptives can access them, but it’s an utterly made-up nonsense issue.” That’s Texas Senator Ted Cruz at a presidential campaign event […]

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