A #StandUp4Science Invitation from Zack Kopplin

Our friend Zack Kopplin issued the following invitation via email to TFN supporters this morning. We’re sharing it here for TFN Insider readers. And, of course, we’ll have much more on this in the weeks ahead. Learn more about Zack All students deserve a high-quality science education that prepares them to succeed in college and […]

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Rush Limbaugh Says Only Atheists Can Accept the Science on Climate Change

The battle over what students learn about evolution in their science classrooms is just one of many challenges facing supporters of sound science. Climate change remains a prominent target of anti-science extremists. Take, for example, right-wing radio blowhard Rush Limbaugh. (Please.) On Monday, his voice dripping with contempt, Limbaugh even questioned the religious faith of […]

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'What else does the Bible say about dinosaurs?'

The audio above is almost as amusing as the clip from “The Revisionaries” in which former Texas State Board of Education Chair Don McLeroy uses a cardboard model to describe how all the animals were able to fit on Noah’s Ark. You know, this one, where at the end all the children pretty much say […]

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Creationist Chair of Texas Ed Board Refuses to Explain Her Interference in Science Textbook Review

Was Texas State Board of Education Chair Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, trying to influence the work of the panels reviewing proposed new high school biology textbooks last week? Cargill, a creationist who has insisted that textbooks should teach “another side” when discussing evolution, met with the panels last Wednesday (July 31). We now know that those […]

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