Stop Lying to Keep Teens Ignorant

UPDATE: The House has postponed action on SB 283 until Wednesday. Keep up your calls and e-mails to House offices in support of responsible sex education. Having made a fetish out of failed abstinence-only programs that lie to students, far-right pressure groups are also lying directly to voters. Texans for Life Coalition has sent out […]

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Take Action: Call Reps on Sex Ed Amendments

Texas Freedom Network is sending out the following Action Alert. Please forward this link to anyone interested in supporting responsible sex education. More than decade of stubborn commitment by policy-makers to failed abstinence-only programs in Texas schools have had disastrous consequences: Texas ranks third in teen births and first in multiple births to teens. Parenthood […]

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Summer Summit Promotes Responsible Sex Ed

Do you know young folks who want to advocate for responsible sexuality education in Texas? The Texas Freedom Network is now accepting applications for our 2009 Summer Summit Activist Training. The summit will be in Austin June 12-13, and participants must be ages 15-24. The application deadline is May 26. Participants will learn how to get […]

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In Defense of Ignorance?

Did you miss our live-blogging of the Texas House Public Education Committee hearing on reforming sexuality education in the state with the nation’s third-highest teen birth rate? Well, we offer this gem from Kyleen Wright of the Texans for Life Coalition, which insists on abstinence-only-until-marriage education in public schools: 9:49 – Wright: “You offend parents far less […]

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Talking about Sex (Ed) at the Capitol

Texas has the nation’s third-highest teen birth rate yet receives more federal abstinence-only funding than any other state in the country. What’s wrong with this picture? We just finished a briefing for Capitol reporters about two very important bills under consideration by the Texas House Public Education Committee this afternoon. House Bill 741 by Rep. […]

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