Explaining Hate with Hate

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association is mad. Really, really mad. Ever since Monday when Gov. Rick Perry announced he would team with Fischer’s hate group for an all-day Christian prayer event in Houston, many, including the gang  here at TFN Insider, have pointed out just a few of the numerous odious things Fischer […]

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Tell Gov. Perry: Stop Using Faith as a Weapon

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s decision to host a Christians-only prayer event with a vicious hate group is beyond appalling. The governor and his staff claim that the August 6 event in Houston is meant to bring the nation together in prayer. But how is that remotely possible when the event is designed to promote a […]

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Putting Ideology Ahead of Common Sense

Religious-right pressure groups have been on the warpath throughout the regular and special sessions of the Texas Legislature this year. They have made cutting funds for women’s health programs and, especially, providers like Planned Parenthood a priority. Late last week, for example, the Texas Pastor Council sent out an email to activists calling for the […]

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‘Of Course It’s a War on Birth Control’

Wayne Christian lets the truth slip in an interview with the Texas Tribune: Of course it’s a war on birth control, abortion, everything — that’s what family planning is supposed to be about. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9gS1gYyozs&feature=player_embedded] This wasn’t a momentary slip of the tongue. Christian is just saying out loud what many Texas lawmakers believe — and […]

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Dan Patrick on Abortion: ‘It’s a God Issue’

State Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, had the following to say today as Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed into law his bill requiring women seeking an abortion to have a sonogram of the fetus at least 24 hours before the procedure. Sen. Patrick was responding to remarks by someone in the audience talking about women who […]

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