Is David Barton Now Getting His ‘History’ from Louis L’Amour Novels?

That’s the headline from a great post by writer and David Barton-debunker extraordinaire Chris Rodda. Read the whole thing, but here’s a summary: Speaking on right-wing commentator Glenn Beck’s web-based TV show last month, Barton suggested that arming students as well as teachers is the solution for protecting schoolchildren from mass shootings like the one […]

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The 'Death Panel' Lie That Won't Die

The folks at Family Research Council — who helped organize Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s August 2011 prayer extravaganza in Houston — apparently think lying is a perfectly acceptable part of the “Christian worldview” it seeks to promote in public policy. In an email today, the FRC asks its supporters to help stop implementation of the […]

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Religious-Right Groups Launch Campaign to Pressure Boy Scouts to Keep Gay Ban

UPDATE Late Thursday the haters at the right-wing Texas Pastor Council sent out an email promoting a “Save Our Scouts” rally on Wednesday at the Boy Scouts of America national headquarters in Irving (near Dallas). The message promotes the smear that gay people are inherent threats to children and churches: Pastors, if the scouts fall, […]

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Texas Public School Bible Courses: Christian Nationalism and Phony Quotations

Students in some Texas public school Bible courses learn that the Founding Fathers were largely orthodox Protestant Christians who intended for the United States to be a distinctively Christian nation with laws and a form of government based on the Bible. Countless historians and other scholars have shown how such claims are distortions, but those […]

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The Religious Right, Guns and White Supremacists

We have pointed out numerous times that the religious right is, fundamentally, a political movement that uses faith as a weapon to divide and conquer. That’s why you see religious-right groups like the Family Research Council and the American Family Association line up behind Republican politicians on issues ranging from taxes to business and environmental […]

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