Texas Eagle Forum's Vicious Attack on Wendy Davis

Texas Eagle Forum, a state chapter of Phyllis Schlafly’s right-wing group, has published in its January newsletter part of an incendiary Internet column from last summer that leveled vicious personal attacks on state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth. Davis is running for Texas governor this year. The group’s Torch newsletter says Davis and fellow Democratic […]

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Houston Religious-Right Group to Host Discredited Anti-Muslim Hysteric

A Houston-based group whose executive director has made numerous incendiary statements about his city’s mayor, President Obama and others is hosting a prominent but discredited anti-Muslim hysteric at an event later this month. The Houston Area Pastor Council (HAPC), which honored Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (who is running for governor this year) with its […]

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John Hagee Doesn't Know How to Share

San Antonio megachurch pastor John Hagee had this to say to nonbelievers in a “War on Christmas” sermon delivered over the holidays: If you pass a manger scene and someone is singing “Joy to the World,” you can take your Walkman and stuff it into your ears, or you can call your lawyer. Or you […]

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Texas Sen. Dan Patrick Thinks God Speaks Through Duck Dynasty Star

Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, one of three Republicans trying to unseat David Dewhurst as lieutenant governor next year, thinks he knows what God wants people to hear. Lone Star Q reports that Patrick was a guest Thursday on The Chad Hasty Show, a radio program on KFYO in Lubbock. Patrick weighed in on recent controversial comments […]

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