Video: School Superintendents Educate Mary Lou Bruner

Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) candidate Mary Lou Bruner, R-Mineola, who at this point is best known for claiming President Obama as a young man was a drug user who worked as a gay prostitute to pay for his habit and numerous other incendiary statements, recently appeared at a meeting of several school superintendents […]

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Texas Legislator Confirms: ‘Yes, I Hate Islam’

Texas state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, lost her re-election bid in the Republican primary on March 2, but she’s still reinforcing her reputation as one of the Legislature’s biggest Islamophobes. Wednesday night she posted on her official Facebook page a link to a video featuring Brigitte Gabriel, one of the most vicious anti-Muslim extremists in America today. In […]

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Has the Texas Attorney General’s Office Become a Tentacle of a Religious-Right Group?

It’s beginning to look like the Texas Attorney General’s Office is no longer working just for the people of Texas. Under Attorney General Ken Paxton, the office seems to be carrying water now for religious-right interest groups — especially the Plano-based litigation group First Liberty Institute, which rejects separation of church and state. The El Paso Times reports […]

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So Ted Cruz Actually Defends This

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who’s fighting it out with Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, can’t understand why ESPN fired baseball analyst Curt Schilling for posting this on his Facebook page: […]

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