Barton Promotes an Oklahoma Extremist

David Barton doesn’t have the academic credentials that would truly qualify him for his post as a social studies “expert” for the Texas State Board of Education, but he has done plenty to show that he qualifies as a right-wing extremist. The latest example is his embrace of Sally Kern, a poster child for extremism […]

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The Good Book Goes to School

Two years ago, the state of Texas passed a law encouraging — but NOT mandating — elective Bible courses in public schools. (TFN and other religious and civil liberties groups worked very hard to make sure this new law included a few common-sense safeguards that would prevent teachers from turning such courses into Sunday school […]

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Feeding on Hate

The religious right is in full froth this week as some American Muslims prepare to gather in prayer in the nation’s capital on Friday. The stated objective of the “Our Time Has Come” gathering, according to organizers who hope 50,000 Muslims will take part, “is to invite the Muslim Communities and friends of Islam to […]

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‘Engage the Darwin-Lovers’

Are evolution deniers in the “intelligent design”/creationism movement adopting the disruptive tactics of rowdy folks who besieged “town hall” meetings in August to protest health insurance reform? We hope not. But  it’s a fair question considering an extra-credit assignment some students at a fundamentalist Christian seminary were offered last week. A little background: Southern Methodist University in […]

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Gov. Perry and ‘Government Intrusions’

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election campaign just sent out an e-mail touting his speech at the religious right’s “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, D.C., this past weekend. This speech excerpt noted in the e-mail caught our eye: “It is well past time for us to halt the endless intrusions into our lives, put a stop […]

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