The Hypocrisy of a Hater

The American Family Association, identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group, is lashing out at its critics. On his radio program Monday, AFA talking head Bryan Fischer claimed that criticism of AFA’s extremist rhetoric and its role in organizing Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s August prayer event in Houston is actually a […]

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Does Money Speak Louder Than Words?

Is the amount of money people give to their church an indicator of how devoted they are to their faith? What if a person has ambitious political goals that include the White House? What if that person is the governor of large state? Namely, what if that person is Rick Perry? Those are all questions […]

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Time-Traveling Founders

The religious right’s favorite fake historian, David Barton, wanders into another  popular topic here at TFN Insider: evolution. And as usual, he’s a little fuzzy on the facts. You go back to the Founding Fathers, and as far as they were concerned, they’d already had the entire debate on creation/evolution. And you get Thomas Paine, […]

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Explaining Hate with Hate

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association is mad. Really, really mad. Ever since Monday when Gov. Rick Perry announced he would team with Fischer’s hate group for an all-day Christian prayer event in Houston, many, including the gang  here at TFN Insider, have pointed out just a few of the numerous odious things Fischer […]

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If At First You Don’t Succeed

State Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, just won’t give it a rest. But at least his continuing crusade to use the state budget to force his version of “traditional values” onto college campuses has given more credence to our earlier post about his true intentions — and has exposed the far-right legislator as being out of […]

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