Santorum Uses Faith as a Political Weapon

We’ve seen this kind of thing before — right-wingers suggesting that someone’s political beliefs somehow make them an inferior Christian or not Christian at all. (And then, of course, the question they’re suggesting to their audience is: “If they’re not Christian, what are they? Their core values must be alien.”) See here, here and here, […]

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Aspirin as Birth Control

It’s thinking like this that filters down to school sex ed policies and gives states such as Texas a horrible track record with teen birthrates: “Back in my days, we used Bayer aspirin for contraception. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn’t that costly.” That was said today by mutual fund manager […]

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Going to Her Base

Texas State Board of Education Chairwoman Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, is trying to lock up her religious-right base in her race for re-election this year. In an email today, the right-wing Houston Area Pastor Council is touting Cargill’s planned speech on March 1 at the Montgomery County Pastor Luncheon: “The Texas State Board of Education […]

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Rick Santorum’s War on Contraception

It’s no surprise that Rick Santorum, who returned to Texas this week to campaign with pastors at a McKinney church near Dallas, is opposed to a federal requirement that employer health insurance plans cover contraception. But the Republican presidential candidate went even further on Friday: “This has nothing to do with access. This is having […]

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Testing a Conspiracy Theory

Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott raised eyebrows last month when he and State Board of Education members engaged in a discussion of the intense focus on testing students. Scott, an appointee of Gov. Rick Perry, called the overemphasis on testing at the state and local level a “perversion” of what accountability proponents had intended. You […]

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