Local Courses for Ethnic Studies Get Thumbs Up from Texas Ed Board

We just sent out the following press statement after the State Board of Education’s vote today on ethnic studies courses in Texas public schools: The Texas State Board of Education today voted 12-2 to call for publishers to submit instructional materials next year for locally developed elective courses in Mexican-American, African-American, Asian-American and Native American studies. […]

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Far-Right Opponents of Ethnic Studies Courses in Texas Turn to Race-Baiting

Far-right activists are furious that the State Board of Education on Wednesday moved to make it easier for Texas public schools to offer elective courses in ethnic studies. Now some of those extremists have launched a racially divisive and deeply offensive campaign to stop the board from implementing that plan. This image from the Facebook page […]

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Texas Ed Board Takes Step Forward on Ethnic Studies Courses

The State Board of Education today took a step toward ensuring that public school students learn the full story of our nation’s history and all of the people who have contributed to it. The board decided not to create a special stand-alone course in Mexican-American Studies for Texas public schools, but board members did vote […]

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Why We Need Mexican-American Studies in Texas Schools

This week TFN launched #SupportMAS, a campaign to encourage the Texas State Board to add an elective course in Mexican-American studies to the state curriculum. In announcing the campaign, we asked a friend of TFN to explain why the state needs a MAS course. His message is below. You can add your name to the […]

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