Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller testified yesterday at a Texas House Public Education Committee hearing (archived video of the hearing here) in support of legislation to help schools better protect their students from bullying. Tragically, unrelenting harassment and bullying have led some Texas students — like 13-year-old Asher Brown last September — to take […]
In the last decade, the fight for LGBTQIA+ equality has made incredible progress. Marriage equality is now the law of the land and workplace discrimination on the basis of sex includes protections for gender identity and sexual orientation. However, the fight for true LGBTQIA+ equality is far from over. Texas still has no statewide law protecting LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination meaning people can be denied a place to live or refused service at a business simply because of who they are or whom they love.
Today, far-right extremists and politicians continue their attacks on LGBTQIA+ Texans, especially transgender children and adults. Their hate is loud. But our love is louder.
We at TFN will fight for the LGBTQIA+ community at every turn, because our vision is a Texas that’s truly for all.
Anti-Bullying Bill Set For Public Hearing
Few of us would disagree that we have a duty to keep children safe, and that means we are all invested in ensuring that our schools provide a safe learning environment. That is why we’re pleased to see that HB 224 — proposed anti-bullying legislation filed by State Rep. Mark Strama, D-Austin — has been […]
Lobby for Equality
Our friends and partners at Equality Texas have asked us to pass along an invitation to TFN members, and we are more than happy to do so. Equality Texas is hosting a lobby day coming up on Monday, March 7, to push for inclusive policies that protect all children, end discrimination and strengthen relationships. Here […]
David Barton: Still Flirting with Hate Groups
What’s his excuse this time? David Barton, head of the Texas-based group WallBuilders, once again is giving credibility to a far-right hate group. In 1991 Barton spoke at two events sponsored by groups with ties to white supremacists. He later pleaded ignorance, claiming that he had not known the groups were “part a Nazi movement.” […]
The Year in Quotes: The War on Gays
Homosexuality is a year-round obsession for the far right in America. So there’s no surprise that some of the most ignorant and vitriolic quotes from the right in 2010 targeted gays and lesbians. Tragically, even elected officials bowed to anti-gay prejudice of the most vile kind. Click here, here, here and here for earlier posts […]