Exporting Hate

The Houston Area Pastor Council/Texas Pastor Council isn’t satisfied with trying to repeal Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Now the extremists at HAPC are working to defeat similar anti-discrimination measures in other cities, like Fayetteville, Arkansas. The Houston City Council passed HERO last spring, barring discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, race, religion, military status and other […]

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Feel the Hate: Pastor Says Executing Gay People Is the Cure for AIDS

“Turn to Leviticus 20:13 because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS, OK? Now, this is the cure for AIDS, OK? And you know, everybody’s talking about ‘let’s have an AIDS-free world by 2020,’ or ‘let’s have an AIDS-free…’ Look, we can have an AIDS-free world by Christmas. You know. OK, it wouldn’t be totally […]

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Anti-Gay Pastor: Starbucks Flavors Its Coffee with 'Semen from Sodomites'

Sometimes we all need a reminder that the nuttiest anti-gay fanatics in America aren’t all from Texas and the rest of the South. The video clip above features New York City pastor James David Manning insisting that Starbucks has a special ingredient in its coffee: semen from gay men. Manning apparently read a satirical news report and ran with it. From the […]

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Some Things Never Change (UPDATED) (SECOND UPDATE)

Actually, things change all the time. It’s the religious right that never, ever changes. 2002 (Click image to enlarge) 2014 (Click image to enlarge) (h/t Equality Texas) UPDATE TFN has issued the following statement in response to the anti-gay mailer in the District 10 Texas Senate race. TFN PRESIDENT CONDEMNS HATEFUL MAILER IN NORTH TEXAS […]

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