It’s Over: A Look Back at the 86th Legislative Session

The 86th session of the Texas Legislature is history. Lawmakers left town on Monday following a session that, generally speaking, had fewer of the culture war fights we’ve come to expect. You can attribute that to elections, and it seems the results of last November have elected officials worried about their fates at the ballot […]

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TFN Statement: SB1978 Is about Discrimination

The Senate just gave preliminary approval to an amended version of SB1978, the religious right’s so-called “Save Chick-fil-A” bill shielding businesses that promote discrimination against LGBT Texans. We just sent out the following statement: […]

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Lt. Gov. Patrick Rams Discrimination Bill Through Senate Committee

Today Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick took a big step forward in his obsession with passing a bill targeting LGBT Texans for discrimination. The lieutenant governor rushed through committee — with virtually no notice or public hearing — passage of SB1978. We just sent out the following press release. […]

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