Requiem for a Rodeo Clown

Good news: Glenn Beck’s FOX News show goes off the air today. Bad news: Beck is considering moving to Texas. Really horrible news if Beck’s serious: he told Gov. Rick Perry he may run for governor if he moves to Texas. As America’s most beloved tin foil hatter departs from FOX News, the watchdog group […]

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Beck Adds Insult to Tragedy

If you had your money on Glenn Beck being the first big-name, far-right icon to conclude that the tragedy in Japan is God’s punishment for (insert reason here), come on down and claim your prize. […]

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Beck: No ‘Half-Monkey, Half-Human’ Out There!

Glenn Beck on the radio today, rejecting evolutionary science (audio clip from Media Matters): “I don’t think we came from monkeys. I think that’s ridiculous. I haven’t seen the  half-monkey, half-person yet. Did evolution just stop? … There’s no other species that is developing into half-human?” That argument sound familiar? You might recall that Texas […]

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Beck’s ‘Black Robe Regiment’

Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck has clearly climbed aboard the religious right’s campaign to organize fundamentalist clergy in support of its political agenda. After talking to Texan and pseudo-historian David Barton, Beck announced at his recent Restoring Honor rally in Washington the formation of the so-called “Black Robe Regiment.” The name, Barton told […]

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Barton and Civil Rights

In TFN’s 2006 report The Anatomy of Power: The Religious Right and Political Power, we took a hard look at the career of pseudo-scholar David Barton and his efforts to provide a historical justification for making religion the basis for government policy.  Our conclusion: His main accomplishment (has been) to provide a bridge between the […]

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