Hypocrisy and Faith-Bashing

Perhaps the anti-evolution pressure groups that led the attack on honest science in Texas think that no one was paying attention to their repulsive tactics. Well, we were. In one of its scathing attacks on pro-science members of the Texas State Board of Education, the Discovery Institute is accusing board member Geraldine “Tincy” Miller of […]

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Texas House Speaker Looks at Ed Board

Very interesting. The Texas Legislature should “take a thorough look” at changing the structure of the embattled Texas State Board of Education, maybe changing it to a nonpartisan or appointed board, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus told the Star-Telegram Editorial Board Friday. … Besides the board’s handling of science standards, Straus said, “I have some other concerns about that […]

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TFN President Condemns Shocking Book Endorsement by Texas SBOE Chairman

TFN President Condemns Shocking Book Endorsement by Texas SBOE Chairman New Book Attacks Evolution Supporters as ‘Atheists,’ ‘Monsters’ and ‘Morons’ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 18, 2009 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is calling on the chairman of the Texas State Board of Education to withdraw his irresponsible endorsement of a new book that portrays […]

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What Does Don McLeroy Really Want to Teach?

Scientists are “atheists.” Parents who want to teach their children about evolution are “monsters.” Pastors who support sound science are “morons.” Is that the sort of message Chairman Don McLeroy and his cohorts on the State Board of Education have in mind for Texas science classrooms if they succeed in their campaign to shoehorn “weaknesses” of […]

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Clergy to Policy-makers: Tell Students the Truth

The Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice and Healing called on President Obama yesterday to end federal funding for abstinence-only programs and instead fund comprehensive sexuality education in the nation’s public schools. (This echos Texas Freedom Network’s message to Texas policy-makers last month when we released our report on the massive failure of abstinence-only programs in […]

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