Texas RR Leader Smears Activists as 'Stinky Stalking Feminists' and 'Feminazis'

In case you didn’t see them in our previous post, check out these sneering tweets this afternoon from Texas Eagle Forum President Cathie Adams. Adams is referring to the orange-clad activists who have swarmed the Texas Capitol over the past two days in opposition to legislation interfering in the private medical decisions women make about […]

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He's a Marxist! And I Still Can't Spell His Name!

Cathie Adams, president of the far-right Texas Eagle Forum, has had more than four years to learn how to spell the name of the president of the United States and still can’t. She still seems more interested in making sure people know that his middle name is Hussein and that she thinks he’s a dirty […]

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Cathie Adams: ‘President Obama Fried His Brain on Drugs’

This has to be said: Cathie Adams, president of the far-right group Texas Eagle Forum and former chair of the Texas Republican Party, is probably one of the most hateful people in politics today. So it’s hardly surprising to hear that Adams characterizes the president of the United States as a brain-addled druggie. Our friends […]

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